Database and information hub for forensic X-chromosomal markers

Marker DXS9898

Create date: Jun 25, 2009 12:18:13 PM
Last update: Jul 6, 2009 8:11:47 AM
Cytogenetic localisation: q 21.31
Physical localisation NCBI 36: 87.682
Rutgers Map v.2: 101.29
Reference: Hering S, Szibor R (2000) Development of the X-linked tetrameric microsatellite...


PrimerF: 5' - CGA GCA CAC CTA CAA AAG CT - 3'
PrimerR: 5' - TCG ATT AGG TTC AGT TCC CA - 3'

Typical structure

AllelebpsSequence composition
10- 15194, 198, 202, 206, 210, 214PF20-N16-(TATC)2-(ATC)-(TATC)8-13-N95-PR20
Comment: N= Nucleotide
References: Hering S, Szibor R (2000) Development of the X-linked tetrameric microsatellite...

Cell line DNAAllele
K562 (BRL)12
K562 (Promega)12
NA9947A12, 15
References: Szibor R, Edelmann J, Hering S, Plate I, Wittig H, Roewer L, Wiegand P, Cali F,...

Population data

The values of the evaluation parameters presented in the following table are calculated live utilizing the population data presented in the corresponding reference. For this reason it may happen that the numbers differ from the figures given in the reference. Click here to view the equations our calculations are based on.
IDPopulationReferencePICHETMEC KrügerMEC KishidaMEC DesmaraisMEC Desmarais duoPD femalePD male
1Belo Horizonte, BrazilGenetic...0.75760.78870.58830.75750.75760.62900.92430.7887
2GermanyHering ...0.73210.77010.54840.73090.73210.59760.90910.7701
3Germany (East)Hering ...0.73100.76930.54760.73100.73100.59630.90850.7693
4Germany (North East)Poetsch...0.72130.76100.53640.72250.72130.58480.90320.7610
5KoreaShin SH...0.58220.63340.39290.58340.58220.43550.81440.6334
7Portugal (North)Pereira...0.73370.77130.55180.73370.73370.59950.91010.7713
8Rio de Janeiro, BrazilGenetic...0.76960.79960.60280.76960.76960.64340.92980.7996
9Spain (Valencia)Aler M,...0.73190.76950.55010.73180.73190.59760.90930.7695
10São Paulo, BrazilGenetic...0.74580.77780.57110.74300.74580.61470.91860.7778
11Vitória, BrazilGenetic...0.77230.80130.60810.77220.77230.64720.93160.8013
ID Population Ethnic specification Reference n* 7 8.3 9 10 11 12 13 13.3 14 15
1 Belo Horizonte, Brazil admixed Genetic... 244 0.0085 0.1726 0.0454 0.1871 0.3115 0.2125 0.0055 0.0453 0.0115
2 Germany Caucasian (European) Hering ... 245 females 0.2690 0.0080 0.2200 0.2860 0.1570 0.0510 0.0080
3 Germany (East) Caucasian (European) Hering ... 876 0.2590 0.0070 0.2190 0.2930 0.1640 0.0530 0.0050
4 Germany (North East) Caucasian (European) Poetsch... 205 0.2130 0.0030 0.0070 0.2100 0.3310 0.1970 0.0330 0.0070
5 Korea Asian (Korean) Shin SH... 401 0.0380 0.0030 0.0590 0.5270 0.2790 0.0760 0.0190
6 Latvia Caucasian (European) Poetsch... 152 0.2838 0.0135 0.2162 0.3108 0.1284 0.0473
7 Portugal (North) all Pereira... 347 males 0.2651 0.0115 0.2248 0.2853 0.1527 0.0548 0.0058
8 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil admixed Genetic... 261 0.0025 0.1798 0.0394 0.1970 0.2611 0.2315 0.0074 0.0764 0.0049
9 Spain (Valencia) all Aler M,... 145 females 0.2966 0.0103 0.1552 0.2724 0.2034 0.0517 0.0103
10 São Paulo, Brazil admixed Genetic... 250 0.0024 0.1305 0.0266 0.1908 0.3430 0.2077 0.0845 0.0121
11 Vitória, Brazil admixed Genetic... 245 0.0049 0.2049 0.0025 0.0346 0.1852 0.2790 0.1975 0.0074 0.0617 0.0222
n* - If no information on the sex of the studied individuals is indicated, both sexes were examined.



No data.


Based on the review of december 2018, it has been decided in cooperation with the X working group to remove the PI calculation from this website.